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  • Quantitative Aptitude Practice Calculus Study Material

Digitization help student to explore and study their academic courses online, as this gives them flexibility and scheduling their learning at their convenience. Kidsfront has prepared unique course material of Calculus Constructions for Quantitative Aptitude Practice student. This free online Calculus study material for Quantitative Aptitude Practice will help students in learning and doing practice on Constructions topic of Quantitative Aptitude Practice Calculus. The study material on Constructions, help Quantitative Aptitude Practice Calculus students to learn every aspect of Constructions and prepare themselves for exams by doing online test exercise for Constructions, as their study progresses in class. Kidsfront provide unique pattern of learning Calculus with free online comprehensive study material and loads of Quantitative Aptitude Practice Calculus Constructions exercise prepared by the highly professionals team. Students can understand Constructions concept easily and consolidate their learning by doing practice test on Constructions regularly till they excel in Calculus Constructions.

Given a triangle with side AB = 8 cm. To get a line segment AB’ = 3/4 of AB, it is required to divide the line segment AB in the ratio:

a) 1:03
b) 3:04
c) 3:01
d) 4:03

Correct Answer Is : 3:01
Solution Is :
AB is divided into 3 equal parts at P and Q. If AB = x AQ, then x =

a) 3/2 .
b) 1/2 .
c) 2/3 .
d) 1/3 .

Correct Answer Is : 3/2 .
Solution Is :
A point O is at a distance of 10 cm from the centre of a circle of radius 6 cm. How many tangents can be drawn from point O to the circle?

a) 1 .
b) 2 .
c) 3 .
d) Infinite

Correct Answer Is : 2 .
Solution Is :
In which of the following ratios a line segment cannot be divided using ruler and compass?

a) 5:09
b) √4 : 5
c) √2 + 1 : √2 – 1
d) √5 : 1/ √5

Correct Answer Is : √2 + 1 : √2 – 1
Solution Is :
If four sides of a quadrilateral ABCD are tangential to a circle, then

a) AC + AD = BD + CD
b) AB + CD = BC + AD
c) AB + CD = AC + BC
d) AC + AD = BC + DB

Correct Answer Is : AB + CD = BC + AD
Solution Is :
PT and PS are tangents drawn to a circle, with cantre C, from a point P. If ∠TPS = 50° , then the measure of ?TCS is

a) 150°
b) 120°
c) 100°
d) 130°

Correct Answer Is : 130°
Solution Is :
With a ruler and compass which of the following angles cannot be constructed?

a) 60°
b) 80°
c) 90°
d) 105°

Correct Answer Is : 80°
Solution Is :
With a ruler and compass which of the following angles can be constructed?

a) 80°
b) 90°
c) 100°
d) 110°

Correct Answer Is : 90°
Solution Is :
When finished with the construction for "Copy an Angle", segments are drawn connecting where the arcs cross the sides of the angles. What method proves these two triangles to be congruent?

a) ASA
b) SAS
c) SSS
d) AAS

Correct Answer Is : SSS
Solution Is :
The point where the medians of a triangle are concurrent is called the

a) Centroid
b) Orthocenter
c) Incenter
d) Circumcenter

Correct Answer Is : Centroid
Solution Is :

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