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  • 5th class Syllabus


English Class 5 Course Structure

Recapitulation of types of sentence and its kinds Transformation of sentences  Recapitulation of Tenses 
Non-Fiction: Article writing based on any current affair Making notes for different purposes, using simple abbreviations and writing in one's own words. Verb and Object Direct and Indirect Object Difference between direct and reported speech  Suggested Reading- The Puppy Sister by S E Hinton Recapitulation of parts of speech learnt earlier. Subject- Verb Agreement Write a nonchronological report and explanation. Use of specific vocabulary to match the topic Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Jake and Bones(RSPCA Educational Website)- write a book review
Adjective and their order(if more than one adjective is used for a noun) Adjectival Phrases Determiners/quantifiers Inferring Information (from a given statement)analytical skills
Active and Passive Voice Extend earlier work on prefixes and suffixes Prefixes (uni, bi, tri, semi, multi, sub, trans, fore, inter) Suffixes (ness, ly, ous, ful, less, tion, sion). Different spelling rules apply for suffixes which begin with vowels and those that begin with consonants. Ending the given story in a different way
Recapitulation of Direct and Indirect Speech Similes and Metaphors Phrasal Verbs Interviewing a famous personality Recount(biography) Note the use of persuasive devices,
words and phrases Letter Writing – Formal and Informal
Homophones Homonyms and Homographs Dictionary/Thesaurus Entry Use dictionaries efficiently to identify unfamiliar words, explore definitions and use new words in context. Use a thesaurus to extend vocabulary and choice of words. Recapitulation of prepositional, adjective phrases
Editing and Omission: review, revise and edit writing in order to improve it. Newspaper Report Writing Forming Antonyms using prefixes(dis, in, im, il, ir,un) Connectors (yet, still, as, when etc.) Adverbs and adverbial phrases Writing a Book Review: Express opinions about characters or places in the story in your own words. Use paragraphs to organise and sequence ideas
Introduction to Modals (must, must not, should, should not, ought to, ought not to) First person narrative( based on an unforgettable experience) 
Story writing: Write in your own words version of any legends or fables, using punctuation, simple to complex sentences, use words and phrases to express feelings and proper use of pronouns

Math Class 5 Course Structure

Shapes:  Making the shapes of cubes , cones and cylinder using nets especially designed for this purpose Perpendicular, intersecting and parallel lines Angles: types of angles, measuring, drawing and tracing of angles Triangles and polygons Identify, describe properties of rectangles and triangles and classify them. Create patterns with two lines of symmetry
Whole numbers up to 10 millions: Read and write numbers beyond 10000 Numbers to 10 million Place  value Number names and numerals. Expand the number with respect to place value Compares numbers  Rounding off numbers to the nearest thousand Estimating sum, difference, product
Basic operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division) on the large numbers Order of operations – DMAS (Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) Solve single and multi-step word problems (all four operations) Use brackets to order operations and understand the relationship between the four operations Estimate and approximate when calculating, to the nearest round number
Multiples and factors: Common factor and multiples Prime numbers and prime factorization HCF and LCM Solve simple problems
Fractional numbers: Unlike and like fraction: Equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves, tenths and hundredths and use this to help order fractions; Change an improper fraction to a mixed number Addition and subtraction of unlike fraction Equivalence between various fractions Word problems Fraction and division Relate finding fractions to division and use to find simple fractions of quantities.
Multiplication and division of fractional numbers Word problems Decimals: Using all the  basic operations - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Add/ subtract/multiply/ divide any pair of three- and/or fourdigit numbers, with the same number of decimal places, including money.
Measurement: Conversion from smaller to greater unit and vice versa Applying  basic operations in solving problems involving length, weight and volume Convert larger to smaller metric units (decimals to one place) Round measurements to the nearest whole unit. Compare readings on different scales. Draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre and millimetre.
Average : Understanding average 
Percentage: Exploring percentage Percentage as fraction and decimal Percentage of a quantity (all basic operations to be used)
Unitary method: Profit and Loss Data handling: Collects and represent data in the form of bar graph and table Construct Line graphs Draw and interpret frequency tables, pictograms and bar line charts with the vertical axis labelled. Consider the effect of changing the scale on the vertical axis. Collect, select and organise relevant data. Draw conclusions from the data
Area and Perimeter: Area and perimeter of square and rectangle Measure and calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. Area measured in square centimetres 2(cm). Volume of cube and cuboids

Science Class 5 Course Structure

Skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, nervous, excretory and respiratory systems Cells, tissues, organs and organ systems Explain to which system the organs belong to and the basic functioning of these systems in coordination with the other parts, like digestive, respiration, excretory and nervous system. Reproduction process Interdependence in our environment (ecosystem, habitat, population, energy cycle, life cycle) Biotic and Abiotic producers, consumers, decomposers Families of living beings Inheritance of certain physical and hereditary traits of each family member Role of drugs as medicines in our lives Classification of animals and birds- vertebrate and invertebrate Eco system Food chains and web Animals as producers, consumers, decomposers Animals lay eggs or give birth to young ones Life cycle of an animal/ an insect/a bird Pollination by animals, birds and insects. Reproduction in plants (seed germination, grafting, shoots, bulbs, pollen, etc.) Stem—its types, functions, uses and modifications. Dispersal of seeds in a variety of ways Vascular plants Parts of a flower (male and female   Plants have a life cycle including pollination, fertilisation, seed production, seed dispersal and germination. Importance of balanced diet and deficiency diseases Storage, spoilage and wastage of food Fertilizers and pesticides used for cultivation of crops Preservation of perishable and nonperishable food Ant or bee colony and their life cycle  Rearing of useful insects - apiculture, sericulture Communicable diseases 
Understand ways to care for the environment. Study and record the observation of the weather, recording reports of weather data. Natural disasters
Sources of fuels Renewable and non renewable sources of energy Need to save fuel Science and technology and its effect on human beings From Stone Age to Space Age – invention of wheel to wireless gadgets
Layers of the Atmosphere and atmospheric pressure Air and water pollution Measuring water.Experiments related to air and water Methods of purification of water Ways to reduce air pollution.
Rotation and revolution of the Earth Solar and Lunar eclipse Scientific relation between lifestyle and seasonsResearch the lives and discoveries of scientists who explored the solar system and stars. The Milky Way Explore, through modelling, that the sun does not move; its apparent movement is caused by the Earth's spinning on its axis. Space expeditions
Inventions – clothes, gadgets and equipments Simple machines - three types of levers Recapitulation of gravitational and frictional force Muscular and mechanical force 

Social Science Class 5 Course Structure

Standard and nonstandard ways of measurement—heig ht, weight, length etc. Find the Body Mass Index (BMI)  - plan how to carry out a study; collect sufficient evidence; identify factors that need to be taken into account in different contexts. Study your medical report of the previous years and analyse the data
Global Family-unity in diversity Migration and Immigration Relationships across borders Ways of Recreation Dignity of labour Significance of international days related to family and family members.
Protection of wild life in their natural habitat (Bio reserves, sanctuaries, parks), endangered and extinct species Sensitive towards animals and their needs; and avoid cruelty Poaching and hunting of animal for animal products
Vegetation and crops grown in different parts of the world Deforestation and its effects on communities dependent on forests for livelihood Various movements to protect forests across the world Natural calamities such as Forest Fire – its causes and effects Map Work: natural vegetation of the world
Different ways of farming Modern developments in farming Changing food habits across the world On the outline map of the world, show important industries related to food and food processing. Import and export of food items and its impact on the economy
Variation in shelter according to the climate, materials available Need for living together and in a society. Important heritage monuments in the world and their historical background
The Seven Wonders of the World Mapping - sketch the society / neighborhood where you live. Use symbols and signs to mark all important areas. Displacement and demolition – Natural and Reconstruction Role of transport in promoting tourism   and travelling faster from one country to another  Globes and maps (latitude and longitudes, locating places) Heritage sites and spirit of adventure
Celebration of International Environment Day and its significance for all living creatures. How will you contribute for the same? Functions of world bodies like WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO etc. Festivals - Pride of the nation
The Solar Family Sun and its planets as a family –galaxies, stars, comets, asteroids, meteoroids, satellites (natural and artificial)   Latitude and longitude; Imaginary lines around the earth The Earth and beyond: how the sun appears to move during the day and how shadows change; how the spin of the Earth leads to day and night

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