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Name Of Woodpecker

Name Woodpecker
Male Name male
Femle Name female
Kids/Baby Name chick
Group Name descent
More About Woodpecker

  • The woodpecker ranges in size from 7 - 17 in. in length with brightly contrasting colorations, depending on the species.
  • Most males have some red on the head with black and white marks.
  • The bill of a woodpecker is long and chisel - like.
  • They generally have a stiff pointed tail and short legs.
  • Woodpeckers have zygodactyl (two toes pointing forward and two pointing backwards) feet.
  • They have a unique arrangement of tendons in the toes and distinctive leg muscles that help them forage in trees.
  • Woodpeckers have characteristic calls, but they also use a rhythmic pecking sequence to make their presence known.
  • Referred to as "drumming", it establishes their territories and apparently attracts or signals mates.
  • Drumming is generally done on resonant dead tree trunks, buildings, homes, and utility poles.
  • Woodpeckers take prey by drilling or prying loose bark off trees and occasionally fallen logs.
  • The holes it excavates to gather food can be very large and are usually oval shaped.
  • Woodpecker diet consists mostly of wood-boring insects such as beetle larvae, but it may also eat other insects, fruits, and seeds.
  • The breeding season begins in mid-March, peaks in April, and extends to late-May/early July.
  • The male and female excavate a cavity in a dead tree approximately 4.5-24 m (15-80 feet) above the ground.
  • The cavity is usually lined with wood chips.
  • The female lays 3-5 (usually 4) eggs that both adults incubate for 15-18 days.
  • The male incubates at night and the female during the day.
  • Both adults care for the young while they are in the nest.
  • The young are altricial, or naked and blind at birth.

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