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An Educational platform for Preparation and Practice Class 10. Kidsfront provide unique pattern of learning English with free online comprehensive study material in the form of QUESTION & ANSWER for each Chapter of English for Class 10. This study material help Class 10, English students in learning every aspect of Noun. Students can understand Noun concept easily and consolidate their learning by doing Online Practice Tests on English,Noun chapter repeatedly till they excel in Class 10, Noun. Free ONLINE PRACTICE TESTS on Class 10, Noun comprise of Hundreds of Questions on Noun, prepared by the highly professionals team. Every repeat test of Noun will have new set of questions and help students to prepare themselves for exams by doing unlimited Online Test exercise on Noun. Attempt ONLINE TEST on Class 10,English,Noun in Academics section after completing this Noun Question Answer Exercise.

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Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
mumbai is the economic capital of india.

a) Common noun - capital; Proper noun - Mumbai, India
b) Proper noun - Mumbai, India
c) Common noun - economic capital; Proper noun - Mumbai, India
d) Common noun - economic; Proper noun - Mumbai, India

Correct Answer Is : Common noun - capital; Proper noun - Mumbai, India
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
I visited the st. john`s church in goa.

a) Common noun - church; Proper noun - Goa
b) Common noun - church; Proper noun - St. John`s, Goa
c) Common noun - I, church; Proper noun - St. John`s, Goa
d) Common noun - saint, church; Proper noun - John, Goa

Correct Answer Is : Common noun - church; Proper noun - St. John`s, Goa
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
She was selected to present a bouquet of flowers to the chief guest.

a) Common noun - bouquet, flowers; Proper noun - chief guest
b) Common noun - bouquet, flowers
c) Common noun - flowers, guest
d) Common noun - bouquet, chief guest

Correct Answer Is : Common noun - flowers, guest
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
satya, I like the poem, a plea for india.

a) Common noun - poem; Proper noun - India
b) Common noun - poem; Proper noun - Satya, India
c) Common noun - I, poem, plea; Proper noun - Satya, India
d) Common noun - poem, plea; Proper noun - Satya, India

Correct Answer Is : Common noun - poem, plea; Proper noun - Satya, India
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
taj mahal was built by a mughal emperor, shahjahan.

a) Proper noun - Taj Mahal, Shahjahan
b) Common noun - emperor; Proper noun - Taj, Shahjahan
c) Common noun - emperor; Proper noun - Taj Mahal, Shahjahan
d) Common noun - emperor, mahal; Proper noun - Taj, Shahjahan

Correct Answer Is : Common noun - emperor; Proper noun - Taj Mahal, Shahjahan
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
Which of the following is a correct compound noun?

a) Supersonic
b) Superficial
c) Superstition
d) Supersdvice

Correct Answer Is : Supersonic
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
Which of the following is a correct compound noun?

a) Runaway
b) Runway
c) Roadrun
d) Runrush

Correct Answer Is : Runway
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
Which of the following is a correct compound noun?

a) Haircolour
b) Hairdresser
c) Both
d) None

Correct Answer Is : Hairdresser
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
Which of the following is an incorrect compound noun?

a) Copyright
b) Copycat
c) Both
d) None

Correct Answer Is : None
Solution Is :
Common and Proper nouns
Identify common and proper nouns in the given sentences
Which of the following is an incorrect compound noun?

a) Earring
b) Earwig
c) Eardrum
d) None

Correct Answer Is : None
Solution Is :
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