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Name Of Mole

Name Mole
Male Name male
Femle Name female
Kids/Baby Name pup
Group Name labor
More About Mole

  • The mole is a 15 centimetre long, cylindrical creature with a head that is joined directly to the body, without a neck.
  • The mole has large broad front paws, like spades, and short rectangular arms. These ensure that the mole has powerful leverage in its forearms, effectively making the mole incredibly strong for its size and able to scoop earth very efficiently.
  • The slender hind legs are used to propel the mole along its tunnels, and when it is digging with its front legs, they help steady it.
  • The male weighs approximately 70 - 130g, males generally being larger than females. Its weight rests on its belly rather than on its legs, so the skin on the underside is extra thick
  • The mole has eyes and ears but they are incredibly small so they do not become filled with earth when digging.
  • The eyes are the size of pinheads and are normally kept closed.
  • Moles' eyesight is poor. They can see movement and tell light from dark, but cannot distinguish colours.
  • The ears are about 5 centimetres long and hidden in the fur.
  • There is an area of bare pink skin on the snout that is very sensitive to touch.
  • Sensitive pimples cover the surface, detecting tiny movements, temperature change, prey and other moles through scent.
  • The mole's long canine teeth are sharp and pierce the hard outer skeleton of insect prey.
  • The tail is held upwards to feel its way when running backwards in tunnels.
  • Mole fur is very fine and velvety and usually black, it can point in any direction with ease, so specially adapted for life in tunnels.
  • Moles occur in many habitats, even when there is solid rock or only a thin layer of soil on top. However, woodland is their natural habitat where fallen leaves hide their presence. They can also be found on farmland and fields.
  • The home range of females is about 10 - 12 metres, which is quite small.
  • The males' range is slightly larger, and this increases considerably in the spring during the breeding
  • Moles spend almost all their time underground in a damp, dark environment and so they are active at night and during the day.
  • They spend their resting periods asleep in the nest.
  • They do emerge from the ground occasionally, usually in long periods of dry weather, when there is a shortage of food
  • A mole's diet mainly consists of worms, however they do feed on beetles and minibeasts. Their diet can also be supplemented with baby mice that they discover when going to the surface.

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